Qigong Summer Workshop VHS Frankfurt
This year, I offer on 18 and 19 July, a weekend course with the VHS Frankfurt Ballet in the mirrored room in Dr. Hoch's Conservatory. If the weather cooperates, there is also the opportunity to practice outside the Main river. Practice time for lunch included.
Course No: 3381-10
€ 48.00
Sat, Sun, 10.00 - 15.45 clock,
18th + 19th July July, 2x
Lyceum: Dr. Hoch's Conservatory Sonnemannstraße 16
Maximum number of participants 12
content: Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine.
Qi means energy, Gong means practice, and time. Qi Gong consists of gentle exercises, aimed at health maintenance, strengthening and harmonization.
breathing and body exercises while standing or sitting regulate the flow of energy in the body, activate the self-healing powers and enhance vitality and well-being.
The program is complemented by massage, and meditation.
particularly suitable fürTeilnehmer / inside with previous experience in Qigong.
Please bring: comfortable clothes, thick socks or ballet slippers with soft soles and break bread.
registration by VHS Frankfurt
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