So, now, but continue with the Travel report. Is already long enough ago. My next stop was to Qingdao Yantai, another seaside town, where I am even with my dislike of fish (or taste) the best of hands. Here I stayed with family Shu, which I was kindly invited. They are the parents of Lu Shu, a student of mine with whom I am good friends with. Hospitality is something very important in China and I was really gemestet and bottled. Good thing I practiced the beer drinking in Germany already! Now the city: "To see it is not much," says the guide. But who listens to a guide? In particular, the waterfront is really very interesting, because there are many old commercial buildings from the colonial period. And the local historical museum was in those days even ümmesönst. So what more could you want. Besides the sea and there were. So - Fuck You, "Reise Know-How". From the book, I advise a little bit. "Lonely Planet" is a much better. There was also a New Year's Day parade there. And a dried tortoise! And statues of sea cucumbers! Sea cucumbers have always a very high social status in China. As you can pack up the caviar. In any case, the city was very beautiful, and finally not quite as crowded and noisy as most other cities. For more pictures from there as usual on my Flickr page
From Yantai in, I then took the ferry to Dalian, which also was once an adventure, as I once again the attraction was on board and also have traveled third class. NEN few would have Freddy Quinn sing songs at the rail and ask for money to. As a second pillar for teaching. Reminder again: . That with the links I still have not strapped. But coming soon!
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