forced relocation
Yes, long time ago that I wrote the last time. But the whole is a reason: we were chased away with horrific tricks! We are the "Foreign Experts": Jeff, the choleric from Hawaii; Marc, who over-committed and very unpopular English teacher from America, Matthew, the large English and basket ball art teacher also from America, Jason, the Korean-Ami of on Most of the photos is on it; Jing, a Chinese woman who grew up in Austria and here writing her thesis, the "Japanese teacher, whose name nobody knows, and Susan and me. You could call us "The Dirty 2 / 3 dozen. Dirty? Yes! Because we were close to 7 days without tap water. Normally, from time to time for a day or 2 no water - this is no big problem, one usually has more up to 14 liters in a drinking water dispenser (the tap water should you drink not!). Apparently someone thought, however, that this is probably not worthwhile to repair the lines before we moved, and so it was that we waited in vain in front of a silent tap. Every morning at 6 instead of a pot of cold water shower to tilt the head toughens while, but lowers the morale of teachers. At least the Marc and Matthew, who wanted to call a strike. Before there could be conflict but we were bundled into a hotel, as well as electricity and telephone should be cut. Meanwhile, the old campus torn in half, and we can watch from our old apartment. Even in the middle of the night. That was particularly fun as we had stayed there yet kip and 23 clock. The soothing sounds of demolition projects move smoothly into the arms of Morpheus. Something like I imagine lullabies ago by Blixa Bargeld.
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