Monday, October 30, 2006

Cover Letter For Beauty Therapist Examples

It worked!

Hello dear ones,

I just wanted to see under what name I listed. After initial difficulties, I can finally participate in the discussion.
LG Marina

Friday, October 27, 2006

How Much Is A Eng1 Medical?

short break open ended

Ok, the last days were quite a luxury hotel here in terms of Internet. But that has now unfortunately over! Tomorrow we move into the new apartment and there are no first name. That is, I'm going for an indeterminate time not to be online. How I know this probably for a week or more. As a consolation I have put some photos on this page:

If you click on the sets on the right side is also an explanatory text and even to something like an order. Soon I will tell more times from school and stuff. Now I have to take care of me for my first move. And catch up on sleep - as the Chinese really meiser way and everywhere can. I've got still some difficulties. See you soon with new photos and old jokes!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Garrets Popcorn Franchise

Overwhelming sales strategies

The following pictures show products I buy because of its subtle messages on the packaging HAD! Even the shampoo I bought spontaneously after I in a non-stop infomercial for Jackie Chan just got 20 times the extensive command, so I wash my hair. And the last Image is what the one here want to sell it as heaven . Although it was the last three days of really good weather.

How Many Minutes Of Daylight Are We Gaining

forced relocation

Yes, long time ago that I wrote the last time. But the whole is a reason: we were chased away with horrific tricks! We are the "Foreign Experts": Jeff, the choleric from Hawaii; Marc, who over-committed and very unpopular English teacher from America, Matthew, the large English and basket ball art teacher also from America, Jason, the Korean-Ami of on Most of the photos is on it; Jing, a Chinese woman who grew up in Austria and here writing her thesis, the "Japanese teacher, whose name nobody knows, and Susan and me. You could call us "The Dirty 2 / 3 dozen. Dirty? Yes! Because we were close to 7 days without tap water. Normally, from time to time for a day or 2 no water - this is no big problem, one usually has more up to 14 liters in a drinking water dispenser (the tap water should you drink not!). Apparently someone thought, however, that this is probably not worthwhile to repair the lines before we moved, and so it was that we waited in vain in front of a silent tap. Every morning at 6 instead of a pot of cold water shower to tilt the head toughens while, but lowers the morale of teachers. At least the Marc and Matthew, who wanted to call a strike. Before there could be conflict but we were bundled into a hotel, as well as electricity and telephone should be cut. Meanwhile, the old campus torn in half, and we can watch from our old apartment. Even in the middle of the night. That was particularly fun as we had stayed there yet kip and 23 clock. The soothing sounds of demolition projects move smoothly into the arms of Morpheus. Something like I imagine lullabies ago by Blixa Bargeld.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Black Stool With Red Wine

Hi folks, I've now also considered an issue. Would like to I write something about the learning circle. As Ann-Cathrin edited this aspect, I would ask if we can not divide you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cons About Sale Of Humans Organ

Hello Hello Team

I think it's good if we all start off separately to deal with one aspect of the "open education". Even on the upper or lower case letters of the word could have a discussion. The structure of the blog (reverse-chronological) confused me so far anyway, but as you get used to turn home. I will read your contribution to the weekly planning more intensive.

Tip of the others is now: not to write too much, because then the "tape worm" style of the blog is difficult.

I would inform you about LEARNING STATION.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Roland Microcube Metal Sound

weekly planning

What is a weekly schedule ?

introduction, is to say that the method is considered the weekly planning as a part of open, but can be free in their work station learning and project work related as other parts.
A weekly plan is a written fixed plan for a "specified period" of "a series of different tasks from different areas of learning" involves and thus can be categorized as Cross-curriculum. The tasks consist of compulsory, optional and additional work, either dictated by the teacher on the basis of general guidelines can be vague, or in an open form of student self-determined.
Eiko Jürgens splits the weekly schedule in two categories. He calls on the one hand the "cross-curricular week plan" which deals with various lessons and learning areas, and for the "subject-specific weekly schedule. Here, the students only a learning territory.

addition, one week plans to differentiate its body style. In the closed variant, the student is no possibility of participation of the tasks is allowed, while in the open variant completely independently and without the requirements of the teacher's tasks and materials to choose one main topic.
objectives of the weekly planning

As a rough objectives of the weekly plan can highlight the following aspects :
Instruction is exempt from the learner-centeredness and converted to a student-centered working group of independent, self-directed work in the foreground. Important is that the students independently develop motivation and interest to deal with specific issues and therefore goes through an individual learning process and progress. The student may be learning pace, the scope of the search tasks (both work ends, more and more detailed tasks) and the social form itself.

weekly planning

weekly planning, as set out above sense, is intended as a teaching accompanying measure. It will therefore never let the real curriculum in mind. Rather, it is to be regarded as a kind of method that has a very learner-centered Learning environment and to loosen the interest and motivation of trying to appeal to the students.
Jürgens she describes as a "concept of structuring and teaching organization." Weekly planning takes place in its mature form instead of once daily 45 minutes. Here the student can pick up on themes from the lessons and self-edit. The weekly schedule here has made the task that has to process each student as his duty stint.
is an introduction of the weekly planning be noted briefly:
Since the first students would work with plans for the immediate and meaningful free time to do its job of processing demand is It makes sense to start small work orders, they expand to a daily schedule and ultimately lead to weekly planning to leave. For this purpose the background to make the students with the methodology, conduct of work and leisure opportunities for its independent research gradually familiar ("Information and induction phase").
Huschke describes working with daily schedules as follows:
'daily schedules: Daily is written to begin the lesson on the blackboard and explains what to expect the children to the lessons one day. A brief discussion followed with questions and suggestions regarding this plan. Part the time they look for independent work in front of children, practice in beforehand what they have learned or to apply is, time and requirements may be such that the children have time to implement their own plans "


has edited a student his duties arise, the following possibilities of inspection:
He can, as usual with free work, undergoing self-control by solution sheets compares or used "selbstbeantwortende" materials. The second control path for students, the rest of solved tasks in control boxes. These are controlled by the teacher at regular intervals. The third control path is targeted by the teacher, who takes on the tasks and plan the week after the set time limit and in addition also evaluated portfolio management class or work on the subject. This control is, in addition to the observation at regular intervals, pedagogically indispensable step towards a correct and appropriate assessment and evaluation of student performance in the weekly schedule lessons.

basic conditions

to perform order successful week plan their lessons, some spatial and material conditions are met. Furthermore, should the teacher the many possibilities of social forms of assistance and be aware of. These should be specific to that class and diversified.
It seems obvious that for weekly planning Proper conditions must be created in the classroom. mention here would be the opportunity for rapid spatial change of social form, an appropriate class library with encyclopedias and readings, a play area, ideally a PC pool and storage opportunities for independent work and materials. THUS TO students will create a learning environment in which it can promote to train his "independence," his social skills by giving assistance and obtaining support, the responsibility for his work "and the use of time and.


As in any kind of teaching can get different materials used. Particularly suitable materials with which students can employ their own.
examples of suitable materials:

flashcard learning games

Professional &
Internet / tutorials

The material is to organize the students systematic learning and practicing. Each learning material should have a focus in order for to ensure the students a manageable structure. This structure belongs to the structured difficulty, going from mild to difficult tasks. Furthermore, the material is also more problems and issues raise by the students using the various existing in the classroom, information can be edited. The themes of the material should be geared to the interests of the students and can be produced with their help, be established or continued. The tasks are mostly open and can independently by students without direct assistance, are processed and controlled. In the control can often be done in groups or pairs.

information gathering

The possibility of obtaining information in the weekly planning is of great importance. The child done by an independent collection of information on specific topics in a significant way promotes the learning process. This requires the students to open possibilities of obtaining information and instructions are given for example the Internet or the library. It is also in learning lists cross-references to more information be given. There are various suitable for children, opportunities for information gathering:

children's lexicons
PC programs
CDs / cassettes
library, etc.

All material must be placed in a transparent structure in the classroom so that students can get along and work independently.


In the weekly planning must are maintained both by the students and the teachers, they should not. These rules can be established jointly with the students, but must necessarily be discussed carefully with the students. Here, the objectives and desires of students with those of classmates and the teacher must be reconciled. The weekly lesson plan should be action-guiding rules. The rules should include, in any case the space should be used for work that students do not interfere with each other and thus learn how to work together so that students learn and order and that they learn how to work with materials.
The control arrangements should be visible to all be listed in the classroom and be called again to mind.
examples of control agreements:

All weekly schedule work to be done in the folders of the respective subjects.
Work independently as possible!
If you need help from the teacher, attend quiet!
A work should be completed first before you start a new one! Work
calm and focused in your workplace!
disturbance the others are not at work!
Conduct all meetings quietly through!
Perform all work carefully and neatly through even if you need more time!
If you have not done tasks, It is founded on your weekly schedule!
place all used materials back into place!
advantage of the voluntary tasks!

Pro and Contra

The final conclusion I made from my bundle in my preparation and experience. It is clear that weekly planning brings a big change for both the teacher and the students themselves, but still offers a tremendous opportunity to teach diverse and effective as possible for both sides. In the following, I would now like to attach a pro and con list.

independent learning is encouraged (independence, responsibility, initiative, self-control)
promote interpersonal skills (teamwork, cooperation skills)
learning of students perceived more as a useful than externally controlled learning
many opportunities for differentiation
own timing
heterogeneous class group is no problem
student has more students realize the joy of learning
sense of learning through self-set goals
fairer assessment
teaching is more varied
education in self-education

learning and working is very time consuming
not always effective for all students
need high preparation costs / follow-up effort / organization effort / time
content instruction
can work volume
possibly overwhelmed by individual students
high costs (material)
difficult performance appraisal
students have difficulty with the "freedom"
underachieving students can grow unobtrusively pull back
students have problems with the timing of space


Jürgens, E.: The new progressive education movement and the Open classes. 2000th
Husch, P., Mangelsdorf, M. Weekly planning lessons. 1994th

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kamehasutra Dragonballtime Machine

Übern mountain!

The other day I find something unexpectedly bad happens, I was 30! But I prefer to start from scratch: it so happened that we (Jason, Susan, I lin, xiao) yes notoriously week had free time and wanted to finally do what outskirts of Jinan. So, if you want to find out the right time to do what? Exactly! Let's land! More specifically, on a mountain, where time really goes off the post. And for that we chose from Meng Shan, a mountain near the city of Linyi. We needed a whole day to come there and the next we started quite early to visit some "luminescent caves" (so it was said in the advertisement) can. Since we have a group of Chinese annoying yokel duly went on the bag, we selected at the first turn the way of us the furthest away from them. He was then quite remote and adventurous and, above all, a single steep stairs!
As we descend to 1 1 / 2 hours, grades are completely drenched in sweat, a water vendor asked if we for if soon as they said that we would have done now just under 1 / 3 of the way, but we could use the rest in about 2 hours to create. Obviously, we had probably chosen the long, arduous route instead of the convenient abbreviation. How dependent are the life! So always continue past silly-sounding way markings (that he's also lived in Germany) and after much sweat and hours then finally on the .... Summit? Ne! Which there is not yet that is still "under construction" or the way there. Well, then announce content of the summit next best viewpoint and the world that you enter 30tes his age and after the rise and to feel like!
And yes, that was a symbolic act, since there from then on can go downhill. But I have never claimed that I will be funnier with age! So hurry back down the mountain and that the bus! 'm No longer the youngest! Finally still at a Kung-Fu school and then after stopping by Meng yi, where it was so shit (were stared extremely funny) that we directly Yishui are to continue where it was better not directly, but we have found at least one hotel which was very pleasant and convenient. The next day we went to the nearby caves, which are almost complete with fluorescent tubes and neon lights were stuffed. But was still quite nice, especially since the Chinese took the stalactite formations such fanciful names as given "Atomic Submarine". This is evidence already of a somewhat botched imagination. Last but not least we have something unique at a white water rafting in the cave participated, but all in all, very entertaining! I could now take a
joke about the highs and lows of life do, but that's too stupid! Only'd like to say that you should never go to mengane or Yishui. Very unfriendly people there! The Mengshan worth it, however, (short route!) And the people at the mountain are very open and hospitable. Today we got paid our first salary and the end of the month, we then move finally! So still a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel of becoming older!

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Wedding After Party Message

Roaches everywhere except in the fridge!

To the cockroaches in my apartment to be Lord, I have resorted to drastic measures and myself here once equipped with the local chemotherapy clubs. And I've found this package! In addition to the theatrical, indeed downright Shakespearean Representation of a cockroach death and funny description "Last Dinner" I found the text in the lower left corner also very typical of China: "The product recommended by the National Patriotic Sanitation Committee Sports Expert Committee For Eliminating Four Insects". This looks very similar to the Chinese that they call a full committee with a name in the endless life, to eliminate four insects! Probably where it still have 20 more security officers looked on. We'll see if at least the cockroaches are impressed and do it with her early death made known.

Dragon Age Origins Save Game Backup

Finally Internet!

So now we finally have a connection at home and I can something more Leave Also had little time since our arrival we had a very full program. There currently is a national holiday here and we have a week off! We have then used to time the magnificent night to test out here. And it is really terrific! As you get to see quite a bit and often one does not know whether to shake his head or rolling on the floor. Prefer the latter, which is here better! The streets are currently crowded with people, as well as the village population is happy about the holidays in the provincial capital. That means for us to be stared again as the Elephant Man himself! Some even have terrified screams of children and the elderly. Otherwise, the people here but very friendly to foreigners, especially as the Shandong province is also known for their hospitality is. In any case, I can even write more often and try to recap the last few days, which is not so very easy, as each hard hitting by Dean Wang, our executive chef, 2 bottles of Chinese Brandy received as holiday gifts. Which will then probably be empty in 7 days or so. In any case, ever a good start in our time here!

Uk Football Pool Compilers

I'll go crazy, now I call REBECCA!! Yay!

Always Topless At The Beach

Hi! Ann-Cathrin, I have now changed my name from zuRebecca Open learning, but it may be that you still have to change something as an admin, my name is in fact still open Teaching ...

Exercise Worsen Genital Herpes

So I would like to edit the topic weekly schedule.