Friday, July 2, 2010

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As of today, my activity as a principal of the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule. The College gave me an incomparable manner, the opportunity to take the children leave the school. The children of all 18 classes were standing in a long double row chain in the entire school grounds and took leave of me singing. I was allowed to proceed through the ranks, praised vigorously presented with sunflowers and small letters and pictures and see them all again. An unforgettable experience, large patch looks and unparalleled experiences.
I am so grateful to everyone involved for this farewell, because I just had dreaded this moment so much. As it was the sorrow caused surprise in and great joy.
I am unspeakably happy that so many people have dealt with so much imagination and affection with me. The school is
was then still a few tears, for our fourth graders took leave from school. But now the beginning of the holiday be sure to be theirs to do that the kids will happily indulge in the pleasures of summer.
sat in college we still together and came with a glass of sparkling wine at the holidays. In the end, to leave with no tears, but with the consciousness of having spent a good time together.

With this post, the last of 1542 others, I say goodbye me by the loyal readers of this blog. They have not been stingy with appreciation and suggestions and always given me the feeling of being pushed interest.
The Geschwister Scholl school will continue its vital and recognized good educational work with the new school board members. The support of parents is their conscience. I wish everyone good luck and a good hand.
With thanks to all I say goodbye on this medium, FC

Thursday, July 1, 2010

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school year everywhere

These days are on leave from - say, small and great, "Goodbye," and in many cases " Goodbye! ". Yesterday celebrated the children of the voice flow rate with Madame de N., who is also due to the images, a farewell party after a year together. That was it babbled merrily in German, of course by itself
All children of the course we will see in the next school year in school again ..

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advice phones of the State education authorities on the day the report cards

01 July 2010

beginning of the Hessian summer / advice phone the State education authorities for parents and students

start on Friday for around 668,000 students of general schools and 195 000 students of vocational schools, the summer holidays. All in all around 12 400 students and students in general education schools had a secondary school, approximately 26,700 a secondary school degree. 22,000 Hessen have finished school. For all other starts on 16 August 2010 the new school year.

Dorothea Henzler education minister congratulated the graduates on their successful passing of examinations and wished all students "a beautiful and relaxing holiday season." Same time, they thanked the teachers for their commitment: "Everyone should relax during the holidays and recharge for the next school year."

As in past years are the 15 state education offices at the date of certificate issue return a telephone advisory services. Through a central telephone number are employees of the Office of the respective professional school, school psychologists and school administration professional questions.

State Office of Education for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and the state capital Wiesbaden
Consulting Phone: 0611-8803490