Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Winnie The Pooh Toaster Calgary

rare news about Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Zen Qigong

... on the website inside force 64 from Heiko brawler here.

Picures Of Minking Hair Coloring

summer course at Wachtküppel in the Rhön in June 2008: (Neiyanggong)

Far from the bustle and unwind - all in the near Gersfeld (Rhön) located conference center - learn the basic exercises of Neiyanggong: Inner Nourishing Qigong.
VHS Frankfurt Course No: 3381-10
From 15.06. until 20.06.2008
5 day Qigong session course
(Neiyanggong after Mrs. Dr. Liu Yafei) with me in the Rhön
click registration deadline end of April
For more information and registration forms, please here